Looking to buy a horse? Before you do...

It’s important to take things slow and prepare yourself the best you can before you jump into such a large financial and emotional commitment. Horses are unpredictable and can drain your bank account in a matter of seconds. Get ahead now before it’s too late. 

Our excel spreadsheet is just the beginning for us at Bear’s Equine Apparel. We want to go above and beyond to make sure you’ve got the support you need for a life with horses.

Ready to start delving into the cost of horse ownership? Download our spreadsheet & begin budgeting today.

Simple Equine Products for Everyday Equestrians & Horse Lovers Alike

Natalie's Log


Follow Natalie's video diaries that take you along for the ride on her journey through the equine world. Featuring: voice overs & content that expands past the training mumbo jumbo & horsey whatnot featured in her blogs.


Natalie's outlet for anything and everything horses. These blogs are rich with extra content that just can't seem to quite fit into her YouTube videos. Featuring: informative material & also a more in depth POV than shown in her videos.

We're On a Journey Too.

Bear's Equine Apparel is on a journey to supply equestrians with as many resources and materials as possible to aid them on their journeys, but we can't do that without your help.
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